Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Leaving the MTC!!
No e-mail this week, because Michael left the MTC this morning to fly to Cleveland. We got a wake up call at about 6:00 this morning. We didn't get to talk very long, and we kept losing the connection and having to call back. We woke everyone up to say hi, some of us were more coherent than others. Michael sounds great, he's excited to go, and ready to get to work! He'll spend today in training at the mission home, tomorrow they go to visit Kirtland, and then either tomorrow or Thursday they'll go to their areas and meet their trainers. There were 16 elders flying out today, so they will have a good group at the same level. I hope Michael gets a good trainer, I hear that kind of sets the tone for the rest of the mission. I know he'll do a great job and be a wonderful missionary!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
2nd email
Hey Mom and everyone else!
Things are good, just getting sick of the routine, I guess it is a good thing that I'm not here learning chinese. It would be cool but I would probably go crazy! haha well I have one more week, we got our travel papers on saturday and we are leaving tuesday morning around 4 so I will be able to call home around 5 or 530 so be awake and we can chat a bit because when I get to ohio my P day is on monday.
Last night was our last devo. and Elder Holland came to talk. It was really good, he talked about how important it is for me, all missionaries to be here and the coolest thing about it was that he didn't have a written talk. He just got up and talked to us about how much they love us and appreciate what we do, but they also don't apologize because they know they are asking alot and that it is really required to do the lords will. Before the devo started i saw kelly so i went to talk to him to try to find out who it was, because they don't tell you. so i went up and asked and he said that i wasn't suppose to know so i asked straight up if it was elder holland cause of that one time long ago when i shook his hand and he kissed ammon remember? so becuase of that we were really close to meeting him, but no cigar. haha
The other day when you got a text from him i went and found him in his office and we talked for a bit and just a little bit of catching up and stuff you know? it was a really good talk if you ask me ha. He is such a good guy. anyways, the elder from the tricities doesn't know the halversons, he is from pasco which is the town over. so I have a list of stuff i would like in that package... ;) I would really like a calander with the birthday's already put it in ha cause come on, Michael is bad at remembering birthday's! also if you could send me a line of authority that would be pretty cool to have too. that's all that came to my mind but you are always welcome to send more if you think i will need it, cause mom know's best right? so how's ammon doing? is he still the "tough guy" is he enjoying football?
This one is for scott and his family. thanks guys for the package, (if you didn't get my letter, i sent it to my mom ha) and thanks for the lettter and keeping me updated, and i really appreciate it and all the thought. but i have one request for you, Spanish fork football is interesting becuase you know that's my old team but if you could try to refrian from speaking about it and sending me articles that would be great. I appreciate the thought and everything i just don't want anything to be able to distract me from the work that i am doing. so don't take that as an offense because i really appreciate your letters.
Mother, back to you. just so you know, missionary mall hemmed my pants too short so I'm going to get them let out about an inch or so today before we head out to Ohio. I can't believe that I am almost out of here, I'm really excited to actually teach people during the day instead of having four hours of study time that i can't focus for all of it. ( just a good amount ;)
I had an experience last thursday that really got me frustrated, we were in the TRC again teaching this lady who is "baptist" and she was so unreceptive and so ugh you know, it was like you couldn't even talk to her because she didn't give you a good answer or even ask questions! so as we were teaching i was just like why are we here, she isn't acting like she want's them missionaries here! after we got out i was so mad i punched a brick walll... stupid huh? do we remember the last time i got so mad i punched something? yeah it never happens, I was so upset with the way she acted, but later that day and throughout this last week i just realized that i wish my other investigator in the TRC was like that because I need to get use to rejection and not doing well becuase I have never been ignored like that before in my life so it was really hard with the way she acted, but it's good for me and I realized that so i just need to keep me head up and pray to heavenly father that he will take me to the finish line because i can only go so much.
King comes in today!!! I'm looking for him! that would be so cool to run into him here, I wish i knew what time he was coming in so i could find him as he came in. we'll see what happens but i'm so happy that he has finally made it this far. I can't wait until JR and Matthew can be here. Matt finally finished his papers by the way! so they will be in soon! i'm so proud of him for finally getting it done!
This one is for Kaylee Johnson, I know I wont get a letter back but that's okay. I just wanted to show that I haven't forgotten anyone. ;) How is work going with the old person home and the reception work? I hope it's going good. Have you met any friends that you don't work with? haha school starts soon too yeah? I hope your family has adjusted well. I'm doing good so don't fret haha.
I Don't have much else to say because the MTC is really repetitive in its ways and schedule so i can't thing of anything else to tell you all. so ta ta for now. TTFN!! ;)
I love you all. Michael
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
August 18, 2010 First E-mail
We got Michael's first e-mail today. It makes me so happy to know that he is doing so well! It makes it a lot easier for me to know that he is happy and excited about the work. Hopefully he can keep it up!
Hey! everything is going good, I hope that you recieved my letter in the mail the other day. for in the future if you would use dearelder to send e-mails that would be great because I only have 30 minutes of time here on myldsmail. so if you would use that i would be able to write better e-mails you know? haha The life here is really good, the way i can always feel the spirit is more comfort for me to know that I am doing the lords work and what is right.
my companion is Elder Ryan Frandsen. he is a really good guy from monroe utah. our district is really cool, we all get along really well. there is one elder who is from the tricities in washington. and he is pretty funny, i just thought i would tell you that because thats where the cuz's live. well anyways life here is okay. the routine is getting a bit old and i can't wait to get into the mission field.
we have worked on talking to investigators and how to get to know them and how to really care for them. I do really well at that! we taught a lesson in the TRC the other day which means teaching resource center. The sister we taught i could tell that she really felt the spirit that we brought, teaching with the spirit is the most powerful thing that i have ever done before in my life. as we went to talk about the restoration we got to the first vision and i went to find it and my companion through me under the bus and made me try to say it from memory haha. but anyways i didn't know it and so i had to become the mouthpeice for the spirit. i was so overcome with the spirit i could bearly speak. but as i did my best saying it we could just feel the spirit fill up the room. we were swimming with the holy ghost!!! ;)
Elder Frandsen and I have spent this first week here in the MTC in our own room and today we get two new elders to share with so that will be interesting because we have the smallest room, we are going to give them a little initiation if you know what i mean! The food here is okay. the second night i ate a chicken fried steak and it totally messed up my bowels!!!!! those days were so so so aweful because i was so uncomfortable. i also think that i might have gained a couple pounds the first little bit here because i ate so much, but i decided to cut back so i will have a six pack when i come home! ha
I just have some requests for you to send.... so if you could send me some more ties.. half of mine are blue and some variety would be nice ;) an elder told me that you can get 100 for $80 dollars on e-bay, if thats true, i would not know.. but the same is starting to kill me. but if you could send me a hoodie ( the blue AE one), ibuprofen in a big bottle, some gum or mints, a callander with birthdays on it because we all know how bad i am at remembering those! oh its Jayme's birthday today! LOVE YOU SISTER!!! WHERE iS MY LETTER?! I hope you have a good day jayme! also i think i might need some fruit snacks or some type of gummy and pens and maybe a dp or two or three.... maybe more haha. I'm glad the Souisa's decided to go to church and hopefully they will continue to attend church. I have learned a lot here in the MTC.
My patience has increased in just a week, and my desire to do what is right has enlarged as well. the distractions that i have had in life are no longer distractions here, (except when i see a cute sister, then a thought pops to my head of course! ;) ) but the cell phone, tv all my life at home is in the past, i have some hard times but knowing that the lord wants me here and that there are blessings in store for me for doing is work and his will that will help me be successful and happy in life.
Last night we had a devotional with Elder walter F. gonzales from the presidency of the 70 and he and wife spoke to us. what really stood out to me was that his wife said that the lord calls us now because we have what he wants. so do not ever think that you are not ready for anything. you are aware of the concern that i had that i wasn't ready, that is no longer a doubt. with the help of the spirit and of the great teachers here i have progressed a lot. My first day here i felt so welcome! everyone is so happy here. also on my first day i ran into trevor randolph and chris olson and chris left that monday. it is so cool to see all of these people that i know doing the lords work and that we are in the same army. I know that i am not here alone, just so you know my p day is wednesday and sorry dad my temple time is in the afternoon. oh yeah! i forgot my oil vile, if you will send it to me that would be soo awesome! i hope all is well.
i don't really know what else to say haha my time is almost up and please know that I love you all and please pray for me and the investigators that i run into. I love you and you and you and you
Love, Elder Michael Stone
PS. use Deear elder please! and tell jayme with a closet that big, responsibility comes. hahaha tell matthew he just needs to love ammon and get along because families are forever and we want to be happy with them. I have realized that while i have been here family is key to most everyone's life, and we are so blessed that we have the knowledge of the lord our savior and that we can be together forever and all eternities.
PS. use Deear elder please! and tell jayme with a closet that big, responsibility comes. hahaha tell matthew he just needs to love ammon and get along because families are forever and we want to be happy with them. I have realized that while i have been here family is key to most everyone's life, and we are so blessed that we have the knowledge of the lord our savior and that we can be together forever and all eternities.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Beginning of the Adventure

I am starting this blog for friends and family who would like to see updates on Michael, his mission, and my thoughts and feelings about his mission. I am also doing this as a sort of journal for Michael, as I'm not sure how faithful he will be with his journal writing.
His current address is :
Elder Michael Stone
Ohio Cleveland Mission
MTC Mailbox #188
OH_CLE 0831
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604-1793
We took Michael to the MTC on Wednesday, Aug. 11. It was a little emotional for all of us, but my boy was ready to go. He got out of the car and said, "See you guys later!" I had to ASK for a hug!! Yeah, we'll see who's asking in two years... Okay, probably me, but I had to try. We got our first letter on Monday the 16th. He is doing great, and loves the MTC. He has bonded with the other elders in his district, and is just soaking up the spirit every day. It does my heart good to hear things like that.
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