Dearest Family,
This week has been good. It's pretty different covering such a small area. especially with a lot of people who are religious and pretty well off where they aren't so open to talking to missionaries, but it has been fun. It's a different experience to be able to be a senior companion and train where as I have always been able to rely on someone else to make the descisions when I dont really know what to do. I'm with Elder Porter, He is from Odgen. He is a good missionary, We (as in Elder Haines and the Other trainers) have been talking about the new missionaries coming out of the MTC and decided that they are going to be so far ahead of the missionaries in the Field. This new training program is really good. Now that I really think about it i'm lucky to be involved because if you aren't you are honestly going to be left behind. I mean these new ones are doing and knowing things that I just barely started to know and really get good at not that long ago. The Church is making some major strides in having quality missionaries. Elder Haines is With Elder Perkins, they live with us and take care of everything that is north of us, Mainly the east side of Toledo. Elder Conlin went back to St. Marys.
I'm glad to hear that Trevor looks happy. Hopefully that's truly what he needed to do in life and has no regrets. I Can't believe there are so many missions in Georgia, Wow, we only have two here in Ohio. I need to Get Matthews Address then so I can send him a letter one of these days to see how he is doing. I'm pretty intrested on how he is doing with all of the southern cookin'!
It's crazy to hear how much is going on. Fast too. Are Jayme and Cassidy living in the Dorms or what? I know he has free housing and all, but I can't remember if you told me or not. Tell Ammon that he should wear a sombrero for the Trek and live like his Mexican ancestors and grow out the mexi-stache. I can't remember why I never went on the Trek? was it because I was too old? I know for one I missed it by a month by being too young..
Expecting to move again already? You have only been there for a little over a year. come on guys. ;P
I hope it is a mild summer. We all know I am a sweater and man I will tell you what. sweaters' and Humidity doesn't mix very well. Riding a bike is fun though. We get to talk to a lot of people and it's a good thing to be seen as much as we do. It's new to plan so much time to travel as well. Although we aren't teaching that many people because everything was cut in half, we still seem to be able to stay pretty busy by going contacting down town or at an outdoor stripmall. I will tell you what though, I'm glad I'm on the flat side of the state, the only hills we have to ride are the ones for overpasses. That Makes life easy. It is honestly amazing though how many people you don't get to talk to though because of driving a car. There are people everywhere. I think it was last night or the night before we were headed home about 9 o'clock and as we were riding our bikes there were just people walking around and I wanted to stay out and contact them but at the same time I was thinking, If I talk to all of these people I'm going to be out until 10:30 or later! I'm devoted, but you know, when It comes to getting to bed at time and having your sleep....
I figure, that training makes you be more diligent and obedient I swear. I mean, when you are with another missionary who has been out awhile like yourself or really not a greenie. It can make it easier to be lazy and not want to go out and be diligent and talk to everyone or go tracting. Especially because it can be pretty uncomfortable. it's going to really be a great time of growth. This next month and a half, Or three months, because Training is a twelve week program president wants to keep trainers with their greenies for the entire time; is going to be interesting. on a bike and all of that stuff.......... I just lost my train of thought.... I came to the conclusion though that it's very possible that we might tract this entire town out before the time I leave. but, if I do, I'm sure we will be able to find someone who is ready to come unto Christ and be baptized. I Remembered my thought, the train came back... This time here from now on will most likely be pretty hard but it will be a lot of fun too. so fun, I believe, counteracts the hard things, but you know, Things will happen.
Love ya!
Elder Michael Stone.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
So, um, uh... I'm training a Greenie for the next three months or so... and, uh the area here is splitting, so I'm going to be riding a bike..
Hmm. Sounds like fun?
I'm actually pretty excited about this. I didn't want to really ride a bike until the end of my mission so I could be in shape when I got home but, It's all good. I just think my sweat glands will all run out because of the humidity. July is the hottest and most humid month of the year here. It will be fun. It will be a very good learning experience for me as well, especially where I have been a Jr. companion for practically my entire mission. The only thing I'm really nervous about is that instead of having one hour of companion study I have to do two on the days we don't have meetings or things like that. So, I'm not really sure what we are going to do for that time. The MTC came out with this very intense training program for the field for new missionaries. It's crazy. It's something that I'm very glad that I get to be a part of because these missionaries are going to be so good and so far ahead of so many other missionaries out here that if you aren't a part of this you very well could be left behind. The objective of this is that at the end of their three month training period they will be of enough caliber to train. at three months! that is insane!
Yesterday I had to attend a training meeting in Cleveland, that is a long drive! a long meeting too. after wards we went contacting in downtown. that was a lot of fun. mainly because people can only run away from you and even then you can start walking with them so they have no where to go but to listen to you! So, we would just walk with them down the road and invite them to learn more. I will tell you what. I really want to serve there now! I love the big city and I find it so much easier to talk to people in a metropolitan area like that than somewhere Like perrysburg where people are well off and not really walking around outside. It's still a lot more fun and easy than tracting.
What is it? a month until Jayme is married? that's coming up soon. That's really cool though what Blaine is doing. I have always liked him, even though at times you can get caught up in all the gossip and things that people say, but I have come to the realization that it was Spanish Fork and the way they do things there. I'm glad that Ammon is getting those opportunities to prove himself. I didn't think he wanted to wrestle through the summer either? this guy never makes up his mind! haha that's funny though. I guess that is just how he is.
This week was a bit harder to get things done because we didn't have very much time to be out proselyting because of other circumstances. but it's all good now, because the area is splitting and we will have two sets of elders in the ward. It's a bit harder to coordinate things but I think it will be fun. Mainly because we will be living together too so there will be four of us crammed into our apartment! I just realized that this last week was really long! and something else. I have almost been out a year. It's an amazing thing to try and understand, that subject of time that is. Now as I start to think about how we are going to help the investigators we have progress I'm looking at the calendar and I ask myself. how can we have enough time to help them get baptized this month when everything goes so quickly, where as at the start of my mission I was just like yes, we have a whole month to work with these guys and they are going to progress super quickly and we can baptize them pronto! Just always seems like we don't have enough time at all. it's hard for me to think about how quickly some people can come unto Christ and others very slowly. It's neat to think how much some people have been prepared and how much preparing we have to help them with. as we go back and talk to these people, most of them have had encounters with the church or something has happened where they are unhappy with the situation that they are in and you can just see how God put down his hand and was like "hmm, it's your turn, you are ready now!" -- Just a thought.
Love ya
Elder Michael Stone.
Ps got your package. Thanks a million!
So, um, uh... I'm training a Greenie for the next three months or so... and, uh the area here is splitting, so I'm going to be riding a bike..
Hmm. Sounds like fun?
I'm actually pretty excited about this. I didn't want to really ride a bike until the end of my mission so I could be in shape when I got home but, It's all good. I just think my sweat glands will all run out because of the humidity. July is the hottest and most humid month of the year here. It will be fun. It will be a very good learning experience for me as well, especially where I have been a Jr. companion for practically my entire mission. The only thing I'm really nervous about is that instead of having one hour of companion study I have to do two on the days we don't have meetings or things like that. So, I'm not really sure what we are going to do for that time. The MTC came out with this very intense training program for the field for new missionaries. It's crazy. It's something that I'm very glad that I get to be a part of because these missionaries are going to be so good and so far ahead of so many other missionaries out here that if you aren't a part of this you very well could be left behind. The objective of this is that at the end of their three month training period they will be of enough caliber to train. at three months! that is insane!
Yesterday I had to attend a training meeting in Cleveland, that is a long drive! a long meeting too. after wards we went contacting in downtown. that was a lot of fun. mainly because people can only run away from you and even then you can start walking with them so they have no where to go but to listen to you! So, we would just walk with them down the road and invite them to learn more. I will tell you what. I really want to serve there now! I love the big city and I find it so much easier to talk to people in a metropolitan area like that than somewhere Like perrysburg where people are well off and not really walking around outside. It's still a lot more fun and easy than tracting.
What is it? a month until Jayme is married? that's coming up soon. That's really cool though what Blaine is doing. I have always liked him, even though at times you can get caught up in all the gossip and things that people say, but I have come to the realization that it was Spanish Fork and the way they do things there. I'm glad that Ammon is getting those opportunities to prove himself. I didn't think he wanted to wrestle through the summer either? this guy never makes up his mind! haha that's funny though. I guess that is just how he is.
This week was a bit harder to get things done because we didn't have very much time to be out proselyting because of other circumstances. but it's all good now, because the area is splitting and we will have two sets of elders in the ward. It's a bit harder to coordinate things but I think it will be fun. Mainly because we will be living together too so there will be four of us crammed into our apartment! I just realized that this last week was really long! and something else. I have almost been out a year. It's an amazing thing to try and understand, that subject of time that is. Now as I start to think about how we are going to help the investigators we have progress I'm looking at the calendar and I ask myself. how can we have enough time to help them get baptized this month when everything goes so quickly, where as at the start of my mission I was just like yes, we have a whole month to work with these guys and they are going to progress super quickly and we can baptize them pronto! Just always seems like we don't have enough time at all. it's hard for me to think about how quickly some people can come unto Christ and others very slowly. It's neat to think how much some people have been prepared and how much preparing we have to help them with. as we go back and talk to these people, most of them have had encounters with the church or something has happened where they are unhappy with the situation that they are in and you can just see how God put down his hand and was like "hmm, it's your turn, you are ready now!" -- Just a thought.
Love ya
Elder Michael Stone.
Ps got your package. Thanks a million!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Haha oh mother! what the heck is up with this slacking?????? ;)
Sounds like a bummer with the stone family reunion, but, that's what it is always like right?
That's cool though that all of those guys are getting home. so it seems like this is the shortest e-mail I have gotten from you. I guess it's summer and not that much is really going on right now. same here .
I would write more but I am pretty sure I put all of it in Jennifer's e-mail. So what's going on? not much? me either. Just being a missionary you know... that's all ;P
Love ya. Were you able to get some conference cd's for me? I would get them but I don't really have a way to. if you can't that's okay too, so dont' sweat it. either way, I do have an ensign.
Love you.
Things are going pretty well. we either need someone to come out teaching with me or to sit with Elder Haines, where ever the member goes, Elder conlin goes the opposite. So, it's the who can babysit elder haines game, everyone but me! it has been good though. He is recovering well and only has 7 pins in his toe, he has a doctors appointment on wednesday to find out more. I guess they want him to come in once a week for a bit. He just has to lay down with it eleveated and can't do anything. he gets a bit frusrtated at times. I don't blame him,.
You should have ammon start helping you out with your gas money driving him around that much haha.
Jennifer has my e-mail, with the week and stuff. I told her to hold it randsom. so we'll see what happens, she will probably give it to you though. I will send you a few pictures of his toe.
Send Trevor my regards and tell him I wish them the best.
Here are some pitures of the broken toe.
They are in a progression from right after it happened to after the surgery.

This week was pretty interesting and a little stressful with trying to get Elder haines a babysitter. He isn't allowed to put any pressure on his foot at all. They ended up putting 7 pins in it and fileting the top of his toe. So, because of this we had to either find a member to come out with me or one to sit with him. It was about 50/50 with that, so we didn't get to do too much proselying, or really any finding until the end of the week when we would just drop him off at someones house, then me and the other missionary Elder Conlin would go out and work. It has to be pretty hard on Haines with only having one transfer left and having to lay down all day every day. He has been getting a little antsy as well. which I don't blame him for, especially because he is on some pretty hard stuff. He was on Vicoden before the surgery and now he is on Percocet (if we really wanted some money we would jsut take the whole bottle and go up to East Toledo and make $2700 or so).
I have been noticing since I have been here I have had a lack of the spirit in my days so I have really been praying for the Holy Ghost to be with me so I can be guided in the things that I need to to and really, especially now, where I need to be. Last night, we were able to have a very very spiritual experience with one of our part-member/investigator families who missionaries have been working with for a really long time. Here is the story: Bill Repka, whose family has all been members for a few years now told us last night, that he had promised God that he was going to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a few weeks ago. We were all amazed. He has always asks for blessings when we are there except for one time. We have always wondered why. After we were done Teaching he had asked us for a blessing, and we were going to give it to him then but then a member came to pick Elder Conlin and I up to go out teaching (which was very powerful as well) who had gotten stuck behind a train and had to walk half a mile to come to us. If he had not gotten stuck by the train he would have came in during or before Brother Repka told us that he wanted to be baptized and that he just has a few hang ups to the point where he doesn't think he is ready to take the invitation at the back of the Book of Mormon. But, he said he is willing to do whatever it takes so he can recieve his answer and become a member. When we came back to get Elder Haines we gave him a blessing. When it came time for the blessing he asked the member (who went teaching with us) to give him a blessing (and had challenged him to be baptized and to act a few weeks earlier). Talk about revelation and prophecy! As Brother Narayan proceeded to give the blessing the spirit was able to flow through him and he said everything, I mean absolutely everything that we had been told just minutes before he showed up. Then, as he said these things he told him what he needed to do to be able to accomplish these certain things. It really was the most amazing experience I have had on my mission with Revelation and following the guidance of the spirit. It has really shown me what I need to do so I can be in tune and know what I need to do with investigators, we have been working with Brother Repka since we have been here and just found this out. Brother Narayan who is very humble and receptive to the spirit figured it out within minutes.
If Brother Narayan had arrived when he had planned, and that train wasn't there to stop him, one of us could have been the one to give him a blessing. would we have been in tune with the spirit? maybe. But, if he did show up at the planned time, we might not have even figured all of that out. The Spiritual experience we had started far before we would have even though and not even with us in their house. It was absolutely stunning. after the blessing Brother Repka just got up and was speechless. He did not know what to say. He just had this look on his face like, wow, God was truly working through you. what a miracle. I hope that one day, I will be able to be that in tune with the spirit.
The rest of the week, Prior to this, we focused on finding and we tried to do as much contacting as we could. Somehow we ended up by the river and there we took a few pictures because we got distracted (don't tell anyone this though, Missionaries, you know, Like me, are suppose to be super focused and diligent. every now and then it calls for a photoshoot. Plus I need to take more for you guys ;)
all is good here though, we have a week and a half left in the transfer. can you believe that already? within a month and a half it will have been a year! it has gone by so fast. I cannot believe it. absolutely amazing.
Elder Michael Stone.
Haha oh mother! what the heck is up with this slacking?????? ;)
Sounds like a bummer with the stone family reunion, but, that's what it is always like right?
That's cool though that all of those guys are getting home. so it seems like this is the shortest e-mail I have gotten from you. I guess it's summer and not that much is really going on right now. same here .
I would write more but I am pretty sure I put all of it in Jennifer's e-mail. So what's going on? not much? me either. Just being a missionary you know... that's all ;P
Love ya. Were you able to get some conference cd's for me? I would get them but I don't really have a way to. if you can't that's okay too, so dont' sweat it. either way, I do have an ensign.
Love you.
Things are going pretty well. we either need someone to come out teaching with me or to sit with Elder Haines, where ever the member goes, Elder conlin goes the opposite. So, it's the who can babysit elder haines game, everyone but me! it has been good though. He is recovering well and only has 7 pins in his toe, he has a doctors appointment on wednesday to find out more. I guess they want him to come in once a week for a bit. He just has to lay down with it eleveated and can't do anything. he gets a bit frusrtated at times. I don't blame him,.
You should have ammon start helping you out with your gas money driving him around that much haha.
Jennifer has my e-mail, with the week and stuff. I told her to hold it randsom. so we'll see what happens, she will probably give it to you though. I will send you a few pictures of his toe.
Send Trevor my regards and tell him I wish them the best.
Here are some pitures of the broken toe.
They are in a progression from right after it happened to after the surgery.

This week was pretty interesting and a little stressful with trying to get Elder haines a babysitter. He isn't allowed to put any pressure on his foot at all. They ended up putting 7 pins in it and fileting the top of his toe. So, because of this we had to either find a member to come out with me or one to sit with him. It was about 50/50 with that, so we didn't get to do too much proselying, or really any finding until the end of the week when we would just drop him off at someones house, then me and the other missionary Elder Conlin would go out and work. It has to be pretty hard on Haines with only having one transfer left and having to lay down all day every day. He has been getting a little antsy as well. which I don't blame him for, especially because he is on some pretty hard stuff. He was on Vicoden before the surgery and now he is on Percocet (if we really wanted some money we would jsut take the whole bottle and go up to East Toledo and make $2700 or so).
I have been noticing since I have been here I have had a lack of the spirit in my days so I have really been praying for the Holy Ghost to be with me so I can be guided in the things that I need to to and really, especially now, where I need to be. Last night, we were able to have a very very spiritual experience with one of our part-member/investigator families who missionaries have been working with for a really long time. Here is the story: Bill Repka, whose family has all been members for a few years now told us last night, that he had promised God that he was going to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a few weeks ago. We were all amazed. He has always asks for blessings when we are there except for one time. We have always wondered why. After we were done Teaching he had asked us for a blessing, and we were going to give it to him then but then a member came to pick Elder Conlin and I up to go out teaching (which was very powerful as well) who had gotten stuck behind a train and had to walk half a mile to come to us. If he had not gotten stuck by the train he would have came in during or before Brother Repka told us that he wanted to be baptized and that he just has a few hang ups to the point where he doesn't think he is ready to take the invitation at the back of the Book of Mormon. But, he said he is willing to do whatever it takes so he can recieve his answer and become a member. When we came back to get Elder Haines we gave him a blessing. When it came time for the blessing he asked the member (who went teaching with us) to give him a blessing (and had challenged him to be baptized and to act a few weeks earlier). Talk about revelation and prophecy! As Brother Narayan proceeded to give the blessing the spirit was able to flow through him and he said everything, I mean absolutely everything that we had been told just minutes before he showed up. Then, as he said these things he told him what he needed to do to be able to accomplish these certain things. It really was the most amazing experience I have had on my mission with Revelation and following the guidance of the spirit. It has really shown me what I need to do so I can be in tune and know what I need to do with investigators, we have been working with Brother Repka since we have been here and just found this out. Brother Narayan who is very humble and receptive to the spirit figured it out within minutes.
If Brother Narayan had arrived when he had planned, and that train wasn't there to stop him, one of us could have been the one to give him a blessing. would we have been in tune with the spirit? maybe. But, if he did show up at the planned time, we might not have even figured all of that out. The Spiritual experience we had started far before we would have even though and not even with us in their house. It was absolutely stunning. after the blessing Brother Repka just got up and was speechless. He did not know what to say. He just had this look on his face like, wow, God was truly working through you. what a miracle. I hope that one day, I will be able to be that in tune with the spirit.
The rest of the week, Prior to this, we focused on finding and we tried to do as much contacting as we could. Somehow we ended up by the river and there we took a few pictures because we got distracted (don't tell anyone this though, Missionaries, you know, Like me, are suppose to be super focused and diligent. every now and then it calls for a photoshoot. Plus I need to take more for you guys ;)
all is good here though, we have a week and a half left in the transfer. can you believe that already? within a month and a half it will have been a year! it has gone by so fast. I cannot believe it. absolutely amazing.
Elder Michael Stone.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Hey mom,
I'm so happy it's not! it gets up to 90-95 just about every day now! I love it! It hasn't been too humid either so it's good. I'm glad to hear that you got to go down to spencers wedding. Is he going to U of I? or where? I'm probably an hour or two away from the Indiana border. Maybe he can make a road trip and come take us out to lunch or something because we get fed almost every night ;P
I'm glad Jerry and Blaine Like me haha, That will give Ammon an even better repore.
As far as my week went it was pretty good. We are doing a lot of less-active and part-member family work here. We don't have as many investigators as we would have guessed two weeks ago but that's okay. we stay busy and have plenty of opportunities to find. The end of the week was a bit of an adventure though. I found out this morning that I'm going to be in a triple-up.
We went to go do service for this older family and so we were mowing their lawn and I did the back. Their front yard is a short steep hill and so it looks like it would be difficult to mow, but do-able. Elder Haines had the mower for ten seconds or so and started to go down the hill. Before I get there, Let me describe the mower; It was probably the first gas one after the original push mower, so it was one level, you couldn't adjust it. The safety lever didn't work, the blade was dull, and the connection to the body wasn't as good as it should be. Now, as he started to go down he slipped and fell on his butt and pushed the handle up in the air and elevated the back of the blade, as he did his right foot went under and got wacked several times. Luckily, He took a former companions basketball sheos to use instead of his running shoes, so he was wearing leather shoes instead of a mesh fabric. Due to that and a very dull blade he still has his toe, unfortunately, he broke his second joint in his big toe. At first, I just thought he fell weird and jammed his foot or something, it looked funny, so of course I laughed. But now, I kind of feel back because now he has to get surgery and be on crutches for the rest of his mission. Depending on the recovery rate and his mobility will determine if he can finish up the next 7 weeks or have to go home a transfer early for recover. I think he will be able to stay for the rest of his time here. we were able to give him a blessing the night it happened and we plan on giving him one the day of his surgery. As we gave the blessing we felt good, at least I did so I'm pretty confident it will work out.
Because of this though, I get to be in a triple-up for atleast a week, maybe the rest of the transfer. the reason why it's not something I'm happy about is because it's going to be a missionary who has destroyed trust in the missionaries serving in his previous wards. He is super lazy and a bit dis-obedient, but he has been in a triple up with the zone leaders in another zone for this whole transfer, and some previous occasions. It's a bit weird, he has been out as long as I have and he hasn't really had an area of his own and has just been a tag along place holder for his entire mission. He has only had one companion for maybe two transfers. pretty sad. The only reason he is coming here is so when Elder Haines has to lay down with his foot elevated (just about the Entire week) I can still go out and work. So, He is pretty much just someone for me to be with so I'm not alone when I work and Elder Haines can have his recovery time. Maybe it's a bit prideful for me to be saying this. but truth be known. all the Missionaries who know him will agree with me.
I figure this is an answer to some prayers that I have been offering. I have been asking that I may be able to have more love and charity. So, I get to have a lot of opportunities to serve Elder Haines and gain some patience and love for a missionary that is blah... but I need to get over it or it will be a long week or two. I doubt he will be with us that long though. probably not for longer than this. His area is currently closed so I'm sure he will go back to that with the new transfer. But, it has been good for me though because He can't get around that much because we all know how toe injury's are and he has to use crutches so I am very lucky to have this unfortunate time to learn some Christlike attributes. We will see what we can muster up to do this week. I'm going to ask the Dr. performing surgery if I can help. He is a member of the ward here so I will see. If I can, I will learn if I can be a doc. haha
Love ya!
Elder Michael Stone.
I'm so happy it's not! it gets up to 90-95 just about every day now! I love it! It hasn't been too humid either so it's good. I'm glad to hear that you got to go down to spencers wedding. Is he going to U of I? or where? I'm probably an hour or two away from the Indiana border. Maybe he can make a road trip and come take us out to lunch or something because we get fed almost every night ;P
I'm glad Jerry and Blaine Like me haha, That will give Ammon an even better repore.
As far as my week went it was pretty good. We are doing a lot of less-active and part-member family work here. We don't have as many investigators as we would have guessed two weeks ago but that's okay. we stay busy and have plenty of opportunities to find. The end of the week was a bit of an adventure though. I found out this morning that I'm going to be in a triple-up.
We went to go do service for this older family and so we were mowing their lawn and I did the back. Their front yard is a short steep hill and so it looks like it would be difficult to mow, but do-able. Elder Haines had the mower for ten seconds or so and started to go down the hill. Before I get there, Let me describe the mower; It was probably the first gas one after the original push mower, so it was one level, you couldn't adjust it. The safety lever didn't work, the blade was dull, and the connection to the body wasn't as good as it should be. Now, as he started to go down he slipped and fell on his butt and pushed the handle up in the air and elevated the back of the blade, as he did his right foot went under and got wacked several times. Luckily, He took a former companions basketball sheos to use instead of his running shoes, so he was wearing leather shoes instead of a mesh fabric. Due to that and a very dull blade he still has his toe, unfortunately, he broke his second joint in his big toe. At first, I just thought he fell weird and jammed his foot or something, it looked funny, so of course I laughed. But now, I kind of feel back because now he has to get surgery and be on crutches for the rest of his mission. Depending on the recovery rate and his mobility will determine if he can finish up the next 7 weeks or have to go home a transfer early for recover. I think he will be able to stay for the rest of his time here. we were able to give him a blessing the night it happened and we plan on giving him one the day of his surgery. As we gave the blessing we felt good, at least I did so I'm pretty confident it will work out.
Because of this though, I get to be in a triple-up for atleast a week, maybe the rest of the transfer. the reason why it's not something I'm happy about is because it's going to be a missionary who has destroyed trust in the missionaries serving in his previous wards. He is super lazy and a bit dis-obedient, but he has been in a triple up with the zone leaders in another zone for this whole transfer, and some previous occasions. It's a bit weird, he has been out as long as I have and he hasn't really had an area of his own and has just been a tag along place holder for his entire mission. He has only had one companion for maybe two transfers. pretty sad. The only reason he is coming here is so when Elder Haines has to lay down with his foot elevated (just about the Entire week) I can still go out and work. So, He is pretty much just someone for me to be with so I'm not alone when I work and Elder Haines can have his recovery time. Maybe it's a bit prideful for me to be saying this. but truth be known. all the Missionaries who know him will agree with me.
I figure this is an answer to some prayers that I have been offering. I have been asking that I may be able to have more love and charity. So, I get to have a lot of opportunities to serve Elder Haines and gain some patience and love for a missionary that is blah... but I need to get over it or it will be a long week or two. I doubt he will be with us that long though. probably not for longer than this. His area is currently closed so I'm sure he will go back to that with the new transfer. But, it has been good for me though because He can't get around that much because we all know how toe injury's are and he has to use crutches so I am very lucky to have this unfortunate time to learn some Christlike attributes. We will see what we can muster up to do this week. I'm going to ask the Dr. performing surgery if I can help. He is a member of the ward here so I will see. If I can, I will learn if I can be a doc. haha
Love ya!
Elder Michael Stone.
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