Monday, October 4, 2010

Yes I really do need a Gps. Roads in Ohio are not as good as roads in Utah, So it is a really good thing to have. I promise! so Please! haha and Maybe a good set of winter gloves? I love you! ;p Also I told dad what scripture and I told him Alma 29:1 will be fine. Also I'm jealous that you have had good weather in utah. it has been below 68 all week. the last couple days were in the 50's so we'll see what happens this week. The weather is probably a little more crazy here than at home.
I'm Super stoked that you guys are getting things done haha. that's good that maple Beat spanish. that really needed to happen. was Jaylin pretty much their only play maker?
Well wanna hear something weird? I took like ten pages or more of notes this weekend. I mean since when have I taken notes?! haha That's way cool that J.R. has his call. I really hope that Matt can get down to where he needs to be. He needs to get going so if you could call him and tell him he doesn't want to go a year or more without me and JR in his life ha! Also that Michael Really wants him to get to work. ;)
oh yeah and Jill? well she had taken a drag this previous week and so we had to tell her that we have to move her date back two weeks and she about died, I mean really died. her blood pressure was that of someone who would go to the ER immediatly. she was heart broken, but freaking now she doesn't want to set a date so we are going to have to tell her that if she doesn't set a date then if something happens and she dies she isn't cleansed from her previous sins and that it will be worse because she didn't want to set a date to be baptized, she had progressed a lot but she has also Digressed some also. some people I just don't get. I mean yeah this is my first "real" investigator so i'm sure i will get use to it. no doubt. but yeah...
So if you didn't notice General Conference, at least to me, talked about obedience and following the prophet. So kids... Be more obedient!!!! don't laugh. Michael, I mean I can be serious now. I'm a missionary remember? ha but no really it's true, things of this world are very horrible and if we are not careful and doing all of the things we need to do satan will slowly drag us down to hell. I heard a really cool analogy of commandments and rules this last week. Imagine that each commandment and rule is like a bar to a cage, now how do you feel being stuck in a cage? pretty confined right? but now imagine that you are still in that cage in shark infested waters. now you feel pretty safe. so now we can say that as we are living in shark infested waters. which this world is very infested with sharks and other evil things around us. if we follow the commandments and rules to the best of our ability, even with exactness we will be safe and more free to do the things that we so desire.
I can't believe that you really got an antennae ah haha and that ugly thing is in your room. ha. man you guys. TV isn't that great or important. I promise ha. but that's good and yet again i promise you that you would wish you had a GPS in Ohio too. It's so darn confusing, so i'm on my needs begging you (don't forget how much I love you mom, and that I'm your favorite... ha) so please! ;p I don't have winter gloves either... I don't know why we didn't get me any before I came out but I don't know what kind of quality to get, I know i'm pathetic.... and i don't really have money here. . so yep.
anything i can do for you? ha
Love, Michael!

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