Hey Guys!
My Body is numb now, SO, It's not really cold anymore, Utah winters are worse, at least snow-wise, lately we have been blessed with a lot of teaching appointments so we don't have to be outside to much. it's great! yes, Lucky me, I get to cruise around in a quick mazda 3! haha Yeah, Totally, of course I write in my Journal, every night! I try to do work! ha it really was amazing. It's super easy go go with the flow and start going through the motions, that's super true. we had a meeting with our zone this last saturday and they talked about purpose, and having purpose in all things that we do. Having purpose is Vital, if you don't have purpose, why are you doing those things you are doing? you have to really step back and think about it and find your purpose and really understand it. that way you grow, and become a better person, really you come closer to God.
Thank you for talking to Jana for me, that will really come in handy one day. I promise I won't open it. the other ones I just open one a day. so it's all good. oh yeah, one more thing... ha I am horrible at taking pictures, so maybe if I had a camera that I could fit in my pocket I would be more motivated to take pictures, this thing is so big, it's harder to take pictures, I will try to send my memory card this week. We have a place to go, and they said we are welcome all day, so we will probably be there for the majority of the day. I will call at noon mountain standard time. so it will be 2 here. So, if you would like, Pick up the phone then. we don't really have a time limit, the members are going to allow us to call on one of their phones that i'm sure have free long distance too. most cell carriers do that. (and they are pretty well off too, so I'm sure it's not going to be a problem, but mind you, I'm only a man of so many words! haha).
Still talking about christmas, will you let people know where I am? Shelly Rampton sent a package to St. Marys. I haven't been there in two months... so if they don't know where I am and they want to send me something, have them ask you so you can give them my address. if all else fails, let them know the mission office address.
You tempted me. I watched the video. even though I probably shouldn't have haha. he does good! especially wrestling guys who are 35 pounds heavier and probably jr.'s and Sr.'s. he is going to trash me when I get home. especially if I eat all the junk food I get sent! I took a picture of it so when you get my memory card you can see. it's out of control really.
Speaking of missions, Chet got his call! he is going to Tacoma Washington! super cool I hope he does well. I'm really happy to see everyone leaving and doing what is right.
Matthew better get good at basketball, because i'm going to be good, because that's all that missionaries do, is play basketball, so hopefully he can keep up with me, I'm gonna be like kobe! haha. who know's though.
Yeah, the Talbert lady's sister is in the ward, she is really nice. I have talked to her a few times. no, I didn't tell them those things! haha You and shelley are getting to be good friends huh? well that's good, just don't corrupt her... haha! That's crazy, haha you guys almost got fined for that much, hahaha geez! I'm glad that you got to see that, those things are always amazing. if you can ever go to the Tabernacle Choir while they are singing with Andre Bocelli, you should go, they do a great job together, Andre is super talented. yeah, it's true, no one ever speaks without a teleprompter, especially singers haha, they can't adlib! haha man. I'm going to be such a molly mormon when I get home. You are all going to be embarrassed to be around me. psh, Maybe I will just stay a missionary. I love being a missionary, it really is a blast and it helps me so much, it is just so fulfilling, it's really quite an adventure also.
I have two stockings now. I'm so pampered here. haha it's almost better than having one loving mom, because I have a bunch of moms who treat me as a step-child, haha did that sound bad? I hope not, but yeah, This ward is really amazing, I'm not going to lie. so yeah I love being a missionary! (is that nerdy? it better not be, I'm a representative of Jesus Christ!) ;P
Eat lots of food for me, okay? you know you are going to want to. mushrooms, deviled eggs, and all that other good stuff you make! why is that weird that you hung my stocking? I'm still part of the family aren't I? It's not like I automatically become dis-owned when I leave. geez guys! haha.
So yesterday we had our christmas devotional with president sorenson, it went really well. not according to plan, but still it went well. nothing goes according to plan these days anyways! it was really good, not as good as I hoped, I was super nervous for it, especially because two of the speakers didn't show up until right at 7! shoot. we were going to show a video titled what shall we give on LDS.org its the christmas message put out by the church for this month and it's super powerful and it drives home the meaning of christmas, you should watch it! this next week might be a bit rough, but that's okay, it's only because of christmas, not because we aren't loved, people just haven't really decided to make us a priority just yet, so hopefully it happens soon haha
nothing else too new here anyways. so I guess until Saturday at noon (mountain time) it will be 2 here. so yeah. later!
Love Michael
Hey dad,
You aren't using the Snow-blower? How did I know that you would use the tractor! haha go figure. I sure hope those little guys will last, they are getting put through a lot. the weather here isn't bad, it doesn't snow like it does in utah, nor do I think it will. It only gets cold, but I can put up with that, because hopefully i will stay successful and we don't have to be outside too much.
I should get everything in time if it is going to be sent today. so it's all good here. I have recieved a lot of socks and candy, So now I guess you could say I have A Plethora? haha
Shoot, I hope there are days where you can get it done, did you get to patch that mark i Made on the lower beam? I don't want you to forget about that...
I have seen bits and peices of the best two years, that really would be hard, there is no lie there. but that's okay, we are doing well here and I would much rather be in asia... ( like hong kong!) ha
Yep, mom let me know all of that, so I will be calling christmas day, around noon mountain time. so plan on that. and thanks for the reminder, because I did forget what the number was!
Love ya, Michael