Dear Family.
I'm an eskimo. It is 18 Degrees today, that is the high, the low? 11, add in the wind chill and the lake effect, probably in the negatives.
No more kisses, nope not at all. ha.I do remember giving out hugs and kisses on valentines day. I always kept the hugs but freely gave the kisses (Hugs taste better you know...) ha Lucky you, Enjoying the warmth. man it's been in the 20's and 30's forever! it was 35 saturday when we went to Kirtland and it was Warm! haha man.
I'm Glad Grandpa is feeling better, Sadly, you can't fight age. Especially when you have MS. it's going to be hard for him to accept because he is so headstrong. I'm not saying that is always bad, it can be good at times though. ha. I can't believe that he fell so much though. man, that's really not good. I'm glad to hear that he didn't get hurt though. you need to tell him when it starts to snow he just needs to stay inside and only go out with help. he wont like it, but he doesn't want to fall either though. so hopefully he can learn ;) He is going to be living with you guys when Iget home right? I mean he better be. shoot! ah, get him in! haha has Scott had any other Job interviews? I hope he can get one.
How much does Ammon weigh? man, what the heck! Ha since when is he this good? what a stud! That's really cool though, a packed gym and a freshman putting up points to help them beat the Reigning state champs. that's great! well, lookie here. I think Ammon is going to start to like Wrestling again, I mean he is winning right? haha. Remember when I would tell you not to come to things and I was always right? strange that Ammon was wrong. haha I'm glad he is doing well. that's always good. is he going to Webbs workouts? early mornings and the LaMonts? he better be haha!
Is Elder Jensen an area authority? Because an Elder Jensen is the Area authority over our mission. President Sorenson speaks to him quite often, in fact. He had to talk to him to get permission from the Bretheren for what we did this week.
That's interesting though, I never would have guessed that they wanted to have GA's at more meetings. huh, it does sound like another stake conference. oh well, usually they do pretty well at telling us to to. I mean they are General Authorities haha.
Yeah, Christmas is soon, It's different. I will call on christmas, that's about all I know. I will be able to talk to you guys then, haha I will know by next week how it's going to go. I'm pretty sure when I call we will be at a members home, so I still need to talk to them to see when they want us over so I can tell you when I'm going to call, don't forget that we are a couple hours ahead of you guys too. ;) odds are you will still be awake, I mean you guys all wake up at four in the morning to open presents anyway! haha maybe I will get you my memory card before then as your present. I'm bad at taking pictures, so just keep that in mind. I will try to get it to you soon though. but do promise me this! it wont be a lame talk like it was in the airport a few months ago! haha. we are going to be taken care of well. the relief society presidency is even making us stockings! haha sweet huh? we are having a good time!
So, Back to Elder Jensen....
back on tuesday we had what is called a misison conference. this is where three zones (three Stakes) get together and meet. For the first meeting we were in the Kirtland Temple. Oh my goodness. that was so powerful, everyone was like yeah, I bet there are going to be angels here like when Joseph gave the dedicatory prayer. all this jazz and stuff. well...
You could feel that people were there even before we started. it was amazing. President Sorensen went all the way up to the top to get permission for us to have the sacrament in the temple. man, what an experience. How many people can say that they have done that!? I Can! ha oh yes. I learned a lot and really, I could feel that Angels were there. the Holy Ghost was there, Possibly even Brother Joseph watching us continue the work that he was able to restore. at the very end we were all in the corners where the choirs sat and sang hymn number two, the spirit of God. That was so so so powerful. never in my life have I felt something like that before. it was really amazing. I don't know how the man who runs it (he is a member of the community of Christ) doesn't know that this is the true church, that feeling there was just really beyond belief. I really just cannot put it in words to do it justice. being in this misison is such a blessing. I have definitley gained a testimony of Joseph Smith and all of the things that went on in kirtland. I have learned so much and I would never trade it for anything.
By the way. I was thinking. have you talked to Jana lately? Because I would really like a copy of Alex's testimony, I don't know when It's going to come in handy, but i do know it will. nothing is more powerful than a testimony.
Well, Guess what?! I get to go lift today! one of the members has a gym in his house and invited us to go work out with him so of course, we are going to take him up on that offer! ha oh yes. I'm so excited, I have lost so much muscle. I'm going to weigh like 145 when I get home. if I don't, I'm going to be super Fat! ah nuts! ha well, I try to do what I can. but yeah. man, Life is great, I love being a misisonary. It's one of the greatest blessings I have ever had In my life. I have learned and changed so much in only four months. you aren't going to know who I am when I get home! haha oh yes. what a surprise. well. that's all for now. until next time.
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