Hey Mom,
Sunday I had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone again and speak in sacrament meeting. it was good. It was a bit different though because this ward can get really quiet and it seemed to me like I was putting everyone to sleep, but I think I did a good job. What did President Sorensen have to say? as far as Elder porter, he is really getting the whole teaching and talking to people but the lifestyle is very different for him, but He is doing well. Just needs to fully leave home at home, I guess that just comes with time though.
I don't think you know what hot and humid is like.... Just sayin'. (Don't forget Erie is only 15-20 minutes away and we are by a fairly big river ;)) I'm starting to get into fairly good shape. we get to ride our bikes fairly often. Especially because we don't have anyone to teach so we just ride around talking to people and do all kinds of finding. But nothing yet. I don't think I will be in good as shape as Ammon though with all of that lifting and stuff, but we decided that we were going to start using the weight room our apartment complex has and then a member just moved in on Saturday and they have a cage with free weights and stuff so I think we will go use that on p-days when they get it set up and they are settled in.
You are getting old! Three kids all through the temple and what not, that's really cool. Draper was the temple that King went through his first time. that has been the only Time that I have been there. It's a nice one, just really small. Is payson going to be like that or is it going to be a medium sized one like Provo? Don't forget Jayme may be cynical and what not, she does know the gospel well.
Met a Muslim guy this week. it was pretty neat. Here in Perrysburg is one of the biggest mosques in The north east U.S. so there is a high population of Islam. I will tell you what, if I was ever to leave the church/ Christianity (which won't happen) I will definitely become a Muslim. they have a lot of very similar beliefs as we do when it is concerning the smaller matters. but the Key things like Christ as the Savior differs and other things like that. otherwise they are pretty similar and as devout as a member of our church who knows for a fact that it is true and magnifies their callings. so yeah,
There isn't really that much for me to talk about or to say because we don't have anyone to teach, I wish we did but it just isn't working that way right now and so we just do a lot of tracting and contacting trying to find new people to teach.
Love you
Elder Michael Stone.
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