Monday, November 28, 2011

Hey there,

The week was pretty fulfilling. My stuffing was, in my opinion, better than the other two that we had. According to Elder Furtney it was only better than one of them. eh, more for me ha ha. I hope they are good looking shoes that they send, because it's the better looking of the two that I have that is falling apart, and guess what? I got bit by a freaking dog tracting the other day so now I have some ripped pants, will they replace that too? I sewed it back up so you can't see through it but it made me mad. If they will replace them, it's the blue pinstripe suit pants, but I need them two inches longer because they were short when I first got them ( I got them Let out in st. Mary's).

Thanksgiving was interesting. The people in this ward are so different, I mean It's almost awkward to be around them. So for most of the day we just kind of sat around. The morning was good though, we had a Turkey bowl and I totally dominated! It has been a really long time since I have been able to play a competitive game of football. I thoroughly enjoyed it. we'll have to get a turkey bowl set up for next year! ha ha yes.

Don't plan on me giving a good homecoming talk. I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I will read from the scriptures the Entire time! Just kidding. I'm not even sure. It's still forever away. That's crazy that **** came clean on the day of his farewell. That would have been annoying for his family and those who were going to attend. It is a good thing though that he did decide to repent beforehand. Otherwise that would have made things way more difficult for him while he was on his mission.

Transfers are next week already. That's pretty quick. It's been my fastest transfer yet. Strange. I'm not quite sure what will happen. I would like to leave, Honestly. This ward here is so sad, it's difficult to work with. I mean we don't even Have a ward mission leader. Plus, I would really like to get a companion that I don't have to raise and teach. Bless their hearts, but Sometimes you need someone to drag you over the wall (that I'm at) instead of climbing over it yourself. He's a good guy and all but just doesn't completely get it yet and is still really young in his maturity. If I stay though I'm pretty sure I will only be here for six more weeks. I really don't think that I will be here too long.

The rough thing is, all we do is tract too. We really only have one investigator, who, without his fellowshipper (whom he lives with... We are going to have to work that out here soon) Can't do anything because he's had three strokes and can't drive and then the side effects of all of those things causes communication problems and so forth. It's a bit frustrating, but it's been going well. I have been able to remain up-beat and positive in the work and always looking for things and new people to teach. It's so different because I understand the gospel and the purpose of missionary work so much more. I've changed completely since I first embarked on this sojourn.

It's quiet here. Not too much going on. Just really seeking for greater knowledge and further enlightenment. The gospel is pretty interesting at times. ha, well. I can't really believe that it's already December (basically). It's insane.

I attached some pictures of my pants. If they can't do anything that's fine, I will just make them my tracting pants and I wont wear them to meetings. I did a fairly decent fix on them so I'm not too concerned or bothered by it.

welp, I'm not sure what else to talk about.

Tuesday next week. Be there or be square.

Love ya.

Elder Michael Stone.

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