Hey mom,
This week was good. It went really well. we were able to take a couple of our investigators to Kirtland and then The ysa are having a sacrament meeting Sunday in the Kirtland Temple so we are going to try and make it. We just need some permission and an investigator to go. As far as the move goes I'm pretty sure it's just us. we are having a senior couple come down with another truck and a trailer so we can get everything over that we need and some of the new stuff that we need as well. Did Jenn and Adam Go to Kirtland?
That would be cool if Hernandez went to MM. It would be really nice too if I could get a job helping to coach so I could make a little bit of cash with my school and everything.. It would warrant a good excuse for me to have to work out too.
That would be cool if Hernandez went to MM. It would be really nice too if I could get a job helping to coach so I could make a little bit of cash with my school and everything.. It would warrant a good excuse for me to have to work out too.
I love how ever since we had the Stake conference on TV we still never go. haha. I was thinking yesterday that they need to do some training for the teachers to make class more interesting and involved. As I was in class I was just like man! if class is this boring back at home it's going to make it really hard to go every Sunday! on top of that this ward is really irreverent so it's hard to get anything out of the sacrament talks. I mean I already have a hard time paying attention anyways. I will have to teach or something. Give me a calling! haha. I'm probably gonna ward hop for the first little bit too just to see what is out there and find some people that I know.
It snowed this week. It's all gone though. basically spring.
I'm so glad to hear that Joel Got a call! full Pros too! that's awesome. it will be really good for him and I hope that He will be able to grow and overcome a lot of his troubles and trials.
I'm sure Joel will give his all too and become a great missionary. What a good kid. I look forward to hear of his journeys. This transfer has one more full week as transfers are the 18th. I'm pretty sure I will be staying here with Elder Trammell. we are having a lot of fun and getting the work done. We are hoping for some baptisms this next go around as well. I have learned so much in the short amount of time that I have been in a position of leadership. It's definitely a refining time. I have noticed a lot lately too that I need to search for all kinds of knowledge that I may have words to say when they are meted for me and for the others that I speak to. It's strange to look and see that I will actually be home at the end of this year. I don't really like to look at it because it will mean an end of such rapid progression and understanding that comes with the calling that I am embarked in. Things are really great. I love being a missionary and doing the things we do. The great thing about it is that the Gospel never ends and when Practiced in it's fullness and the way that it needs too there are no problems trials or anything faulty at all. Fault comes of man and the gospel is not. I wish sometimes, most time actually, that Man would not disable the spirit of the Lord and the true order of his church. If we did it the way that it was designed then there would be far less less-actives and in-actives. I guess when we reach the state of perfection, It will be a zion and we will all be gathered at the new jerusalem. What a thought right? man, I can't even imagine the state of perfection within the people of the church of Christ. The world would be impacted on large scales. Then again, That's when Christ will reign... haha Patience is a great attribute right?
well. Things are good. My new address next week will be. 1819 beacon hill circle apt 14 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221.
We will be moved in monday, but transfers are tuesday.

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