Monday, May 7, 2012

Hey Mom,
My week was good. My back was acting up again. We had a zone conference on wedesday and my back was so fired up I could barely walk and I was thowing up for a little bit. I'm not sure if I ate something bad or if it was from the pain in my back. I'm not sure what it is. I mean I did physical therapy, I went to a Chiropractor and I have been doing my back exercises practically daily. Atleast a lot better than I have in the past when I have had to do Therapy. So, during the meeting Sister Sorensen made me lay on my back on a couch the entire time so I didn't really get too much out of the meeting because I was practically out of it the Entire time. They had me go and get an X-ray that night as well but nothing showed up, so they pretty much just said like they always have; "you just have weak back muscles, Stretch them and strengthen them" I'm gettiing really sick of that. I mean I have been strengthening my back since I was like 15 years old. I mean at one point in time I could squat 450+. You can't really have a too bad of back and still be able to squat that much. It doesn't make sense to me and it's really frustrating. There has to be some sort of solution! There has to be something that is making my back hurt or disabling my muscles from strengthening themselves. I get really upset about it.
I don't need an expensive raincoat. I don't really mind what it is either. Just something that can keep me dry. It's getting to be rain season here and I don't know what I did with my rain coat...
We just got done playing at an indoor soccer center and played soccer and some football. Man, I am not in shape as I use to be. I was really struggling towards the end there. Gonna have to do a total rehab when I get home.
What is matt playing in the band??

Things are going well here. Our Zone is picking up and we are getting some more baptismal dates as a whole that hopefully pan out to real actual baptisms. I'm trying not to get burned out though. They have really been loading it on lately for us as ZL's. I mean they really want us to be perfect. Like do EVERYTHING exactly the way the Prophet would, or as Christ would and know EVERYTHING as well. I mean a lot of it too is really quite un-necessary and they seem like they have been coming down on us if we aren't doing it the "right" way. I mean I want to do what I'm asked to do and be able to be a successful leader but I'm having a hard time seeing why all of this is necessary. I mean I understand the Principle, but, You can have the same experience without all of the humjub as well. It just seems really over the top. I kind of wish that I would just be able to go back to being a 'normal' Missionary and just work. That seems to be a lot more fun. But, Unfortunately I will be a zone-leader until the last five weeks of my mission. Elder Judd goes home in two weeks and then it's a seven week transfer because of the new President. Pres. Sorensen made the comment that I have good odds of staying a Leader until I go home.
I'm not trying to complain, I'm just trying not to feel over-whelmed. There just seems too much to do and I want to focus most of my energy into my area and the investigators/less-actives that we have to teach and find instead of working with missionaries and organizing meetings. They are both worthy things I guess but where our area is so feeble and new and so moldable right now with a newly called Bishop who is doing everything possible to help the missionary work explode here we really need to worry about the really nitty gritty and not all of the fluff you know?  I'm sure I will get over it. I have been trying to ignore a lot of it so I don't have a melt down or get burned out. I don't think I will either though.
I'm not sure what Is going on for mothers day yet. Sorry. I still need to find somewhere to skype. I will find out and then I will probably call saturday night like I did for Christmas. 
Per chance it may just end up being a phone call too. I will have to let you know.
Talk to you then.

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