They Changed my Mission to Spanish Speaking and I have to get Spanish down within the next month! I got 'midnighted' To downtown Cleveland to work within the Spanish Branch. Boy oh boy... It's gonna be interesting. Just kidding! that didn't happen. :P
This week went really well. We had a long meeting in Kirtland but we were able to go into the school of the Prophets and read through D&C 88 which is really cool. It talks about light, but we didn't really go into it. You should study Light one time, Or a few times because there is a lot about it. Such as the Sun, being a portion of the light of Christ. Christ being the light and the life of this world... Then you can go into D&C 93 and read some more about light. You should also do a study on Temples Vs. Mountains. That is a really cool one as well. They are really similarly related, More so than you think. Remember the Brother of Jared when he saw Christ, Where was he? Moses when he communed with Christ and received the commandments, and also When Christ when and gave the sermon on the Mount, or where he was transfigured before Peter, James, and John. Food for thought, something you can spend a lot of time studying.
This upcoming week we are going to be having a two day leadership training meeting in Cleveland, I'm curious to see how it goes... it can become a long drawn out meeting where they are only talking about the basics because all of the missionaries are still way new.. even some of the zone-leaders don't really know what they are doing yet. That's unfortunate.
When I get home we are going to hit up all of my good ol' favorites and have even more of a reason to work those calories off! yes! haha it will be cool.
I look forward to seeing how Joel does. it will be a good experience for him and the rest of their family.
hmmm.. well that doesn't surprise me that Ammon backed into something. I told you my bet is that he will have the truck already totaled by the time I get home... He's on the right track already.. Driving into a river, backing into someone... what's next? haha
I had the opportunity yesterday to ordain Dan Stiefel a priest and give him the Aaronic priesthood. That was really neat, he should be able to pass next week and then have the opportunity to bless the sacrament in the weeks following. It's Really cool to be able to see people progress so rapidly in the gospel especially when they didn't have much of a religious background to begin with. I'm really happy for him and he is going to be a really solid member of the church for the rest of his life as he continues to do what he is doing. He is dating a member and I really hope that they will get married so that they can be sealed in a year. Megan, whom he is dating has two little kids and they take to Dan so much it's awesome to watch. They will be able to make a really good family once they decide to get married.
Now that I have new shirts that fit me I have been thinking of what I could do with my old ones that are too big, first off we thought about making some kind of banner on them and tearing them up, Then I decided that would be a waste. So we didn't do that. I finally remembered that there is a Priest who has an inactive family and he returning to activity himself and doing really well but only has one shirt and is a little put down about it, So I offered him some and then another Recent-convert from before I got here that the other missionaries work with lives in public housing who needs some shirts, so I am going to give a couple of shirts to him as well. they were really excited about it as well. I was somewhat surprised at their reactions about getting some white shirts they can wear to church and perform priesthood ordinances in. It just showed me a little of how Important it is to dress according to your calling and standard and that helped my testimony grow seeing these two guys who are still really young in the gospel have such a desire to fulfill and magnify their callings.
All is good here, We will be having another baptism in two weeks. I look forward to that as well.
Have a good week!
Love ya

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