Monday, March 26, 2012

Hey there!

This week went well. We had our Zone meeting and that went well also, the Assistants came to "watch" and said we did a really good job with our individual workshops and with the District leader training so we were happy about that. It just gets kind of annoying sometimes because they give us all of the missionaries that need a lot of help. I don't know if it is the entire mission that is this way or if it's only our zone. We just have to minister to all 22 of them so much. Especially our four district leaders so that they can get the water to the end of the row and help their missionaries do what they are suppose to and really understand the what, why and the how. The why and the how being some of the most important. Mainly the Why. But we have some good ones. They are doing a lot better now than they have been. We don't think we are going to get some greenies this next transfer so that will be nice. Our zone will be able to mature a little bit and grow as a single being and not being held down by a bunch of brand new missionaries.

The problem isn't that they aren't good. It's that they are all ignorant. Not in a bad way. They just don't know as much as they should. It happened from all of the three monthers who trained, and their three monthers trained and so important things that we are suppose to do without effort were never relayed down to where they needed to be. It's getting better. once they know why, it goes a lot better.

Maddy's baptism went really well. It was the most attended one we have had here. All of the seats were taken and if anyone else came they would have had to stand! we were both really pleased about it. Hopefully we will be able to stay busy and get some new people to teach so we don't have that little slump that has always been encountered. The trip to kirtland went well. The sisters were really boring though. I fell asleep in the first video you watch before you go through the sites and then it was just super dry. No entertainment factor at all like there needs to be. No bubbly-ness at all.

Speaking of school, Isn't my registration this month? well April? I have thought some about it, Not too much obviously because I'm busy doing the more important things... but, I'm only going to have like two weeks to get everything that I need and to get organized for school. I don't want to rush it and do it wrong and then not be prepared or whatever. I was thinking maybe if I came home two weeks early that would dissolve any chance of things going array. I don't know. What do you think?

I heard about the hunger games. It sounds good. Some people don't like it because it was rushed, or not well following the books, but yeah, I definitely want to see it. Can't you put something onk your trees and shrubs so the deer don't eat them? I would do that! don't let them eat the buds lol

Life is good here. Starting to get some more work with the YSA, we actually have some investigators now! Hopefully it will go well!

Love ya!

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