Good April Fools Joke. Lol if it was real you could just let me and Ammon live in the house. Maybe Jayme and Cassidy could room there too.
Nice Try though.
Conference went really well. I Felt like I didn't get as much out of it though as I could have. I don't know why but I was really quite distracted and It really bothered me. So, I don't know. I guess I will just ahve to wait until the Ensign comes out so I can review the things taught and then really remember them so I can apply what was taught. That's a bummer about your girls night. You may just have to branch out haha. I think I'm going to try and attend the fall session of conference up in Salt Lake. I think that would be really cool. I mean we have been in there but we have never been there for a session of Conference.
I'm so impressed with Matthew. I wonder what changed in him from complaining about being too hot to now enjoying to exercise. Still in awe.
Mornings classes are good. Just don't make them too early, Like 9 at the earliest. That would be good. Don't forget I have been waking up early for eons. Mornings are good. I would much rather have that than in the night and afternoons. But make sure that I am full time.. taking all of the credits I can to do that. Ideally I want to go to school year round and hopefully finish up in three years instead of four. cut down on that time and everything. Is four classes really all of it? It doesn't sound like it but I have never been to college before so I'm super lost when It comes to how that all works out. as far as my release date. that will be the same as transfers, I will come home the day following that. so as it looks now I will be home on the 16th. President has a thirty day leeway, So if I talk to him about going home early for school he will be able to send me home honorably thirty days early. He has been letting missionaries who are going to school leave early to get everything in order lately so I'm sure he will allow me to do so. I don't want to have to stress ands worry about it at all so I really want to make sure there is ample enough time for all of the tasks to be accomplished. Then too, another plus, I could be home for when Matthew is ordained to be a teacher. That would be cool.
For Maddies' baptism, That was indeed her dad who baptized her. He got himself worthy enough and approved by the bishop to perform the ordinance. it's pretty cool that we all are here. All of us have been zone leaders too except for stetson. I'm sure he will one day though. He hasn't been out nearly as long as the rest of us.
Things have been going well. This transfer has been full of meetings after meetings after meetings. so we haven't had as much of the opportunity to get out and find. this week we have mission council, Stake correlation, a couple of baptismal interviews and then baptisms to attend. so we stay fairly busy. it's good though because I hate not being busy and having nothing to do.
Life if good. I enjoy it. Transfers are next week. Elder Trammell will most likely be leaving and I will get a new comp.
Love you all and yet again. Nice try on the April fools joke... You have to make it believeable.. :p

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