I Actually Remembered this time! I feel so accomplished because I don't have a Cell phone to remind Me. So, Here is to make up and to say it advance! Jordyn, Careful of your age girly, You are getting old! Jennifer! I know yours was a few weeks ago So happy late birthday and go to a red sox game for me! (when the season comes that is...) Dad, Yours is in a month or two in April sometime so Happy birthday to you too. I may forget when It comes up so that is totally why I am doing it now! I know I'm super forgetful when they come up but I do know what months they are in, I just forget the day most of the time!
Thanks for the shirts! now I don't look like I'm wearing a parachute or a 400 pound mans shirt! I can't believe I have lost so much weight but been able to maintain my nice little gut. That's not cool. I have to start working on it and get down to being in good shape. When It gets warm out in the morning I will go run and do some good workouts outside. It's still so hard just to work out in our tiny living room space that we have.
PT has been helping with my back, So that makes me happy. I just need to be diligent in doing the exercises they give me. I don't think I will be able to talk them into working on my shoulders so I may just have to do that when I get home If I can. We'll see what happens
I will have to show Ammon what's up it looks like when I get home. He really should go work out with Webb. I know he doesn't like it but it will help him a lot with his mobility and technique. He will be able to learn a lot more moves as well so that he will be able to really improve and do what he wants to in the next couple of years.
We are going to try and go the NFL hall of fame today... I will try and send some pictures next week along with what is going on with transfers. Elder Trammell and I are going to suggest that we stay together because we have a good time and get along really well. On top of that there are a lot of immature Nazi missionaries now, The ones who have been out like three months or less think that they know all of the rules and what to do, So in a sense they are super prideful and they wont take any correction or advice in the slightest because they have a "new" way of doing things so, It is also to avoid that... :)
Don't worry, I am focused. We are having two more baptisms this Saturday with Kennedy Zamiska and Dan Stiefel. I'm sure there will be a story to tell with that as well seeing that there may be some shady business going on with Kennedy's dad who is supposedly worthy (so he says. He missed his interview with bishop yesterday) to baptize him.
So, The coolest thing happened to us this week! We got a Referral from Temple Square like a month and a half ago for a Buddhist monastery, Like with real monks and everything! we have been trying to get in and talk to these guys ever since and they haven't let us in. About two weeks ago we went over and the monk that answered the door told us to come back during a worship service but we couldn't because we had our church to go to. So we went over the other day and they totally let us in! they have this HUGE Buddha Statue and shrine in a big Dance hall type room. We walked in and the guy we thought that was going to talk to us just walked over to play on a video camera and then all of the other monks were just sitting there chillin'. They live there too! I mean these weren't raised in America monks, they were straight from India! We could barely understand each other when they finally started talking to us.
We didn't say anything because we didn't know we could talk or anything like that. So we stood, then they had us sit on a rug and we were silent for like Five minutes and then one of them was like "how's your day going?" we were like Woah! they speak! They were way cool though, They had a huge case of monster energy drinks too along with several laptops they were playing on. Crazy stuff.
Other than that, Just the usual stuff going on, Meetings, Running around, teaching people. having fun and doing the Lords work. I mean that's the way to go. It's really fulfilling and I am able to learn so much. In fact, I Have a question, I don't know if you have asked this or not. But, in Alma 40 (it might be 41, I can't remember exactly) it refers to Justice as his and Mercy as hers... So I am wondering if Justice is Heavenly Father and Mercy is Heavenly Mother? deep maybe?
That's about it though, Just doing work!
OH yeah hey,... Could you find me some talks on Christlike leadership and send them with the rest of the shirts? Thanks mommy, You are the best! Love ya bunches!

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