Hey mom, and everyone else!
My week was great! we got to teach a lot and the baptisms went great! We put out referral cards on the seats and got a good amount of them and hopefully we will continue to be busy. Dan is going to be super solid as a kingdom builder and Kennedy will continue to help his family stay active. We met with the Bishop on Sunday and he said he had one of the members come up to him and say that they wanted their daughter to get baptized so we will be doing that in 3-4 weeks or so. we will be meeting with them on Thursday. Oh yeah. Elder Trammell and I are staying together again as well. We asked for it and so we are happy that we will be able to stay together. We get along really well and we are doing good work baptizing people and helping the ward and branch become stronger. We can tell that we are pretty trusted as well because we are given missionaries that struggle so that we can minister to them and help them become what they need to be. Our zone is always a struggle. It's not that they are dis-obedient, It's just that they don't always know why they are on their mission or what they are suppose to do all of the time so we are suppose to help them understand and to become productive as well so they can not be wasting time and enjoy their mission.
I got the shirts and I started one of those talks, So far it is great. Thanks so much! you are the best mom ever! I will enclose some of the pictures from the HOF but I will put the rest of them on a CD and send them home to you. It was expensive to get in though. We were told that Ministers were able to get in for free but not anymore, we had to pay ourselves. but no prob.
Pt has been going well. I think that I will only go one more time. A lot of the stuff I can do by myself at home and My back is doing really well. So I don't have to worry about it too much, I just have to remain diligent in helping it Stay well so that I don't have to worry about it any more.
Oh random thought. I never told you that one of the Tilton's daughters is in this ward did I?
Don't worry mom, I will be home in 5.5 months. It will be there sooner than you think. It wont be emotional at all. no prob. haha It's sad though, You are right. There are way too many missionaries that come out and are not prepared. I don't know if it is just here in our mission or this age group because they are all a pain and they don't get it like they should, That's why it has been a pain for us as Zone leaders at times because we are responsible for every single thing that they do and have to account for every single thing as well. It's been sad, The quality of missionary has gone down but the quantity up. You just don't have those missionaries like you should anymore. they don't get it like they should. Their understanding is lacking.
You might want to think about reading out of Preach My Gospel with Ammon and Matthew every now and then discussing it so they aren't lacking. Also, It will be good for Ammon to get him hyped up. He is a priest and needs to start getting ready. It will change his life. Everyone's really.
I can't wait for Tucano's. There is a YSA here who just got back from Brazil on vacation a few weeks ago and He went on his mission there and got back six months ago or so and he talks about Brazilian food all the time! Sushi sounds great as well!
I'm really excited about being here and getting to stay with Elder Trammell. We have a lot of fun. Kind of nervous for our new roomie though for the other companionship, Hopefully he is cool and a good missionary. The other one we live with, Elder Morse is new and has no idea what's up yet. still kind of a deer in the headlights. But It's fun.
Much love,
Here are some pics.

Elder Michael Stone.
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