Hey there,
The week went well, We were able to get done what we hoped for. For the most part. Thanks for being willing to go and get some shirts for me. It will be nice to have some shirts that are the right size now. Also, I was totally kidding about being Idle... ;P
Areo's baptism went well. We had the worst snow storm of all winter that day and so she was about an hour later than she should have been, but we had the members stay around long enough and both Elder Trammell and I were in the font with her because he didn't want to drop her, but fortunately she was more buoyant than we had hoped (not to be mean or anything, that's just how it was).
Zone Conference went well also. That day was an adventure though. I Woke up Tuesday morning and my back was really bothering me and then I decided that if it was bothering me on wed I would get a blessing for it because it hadn't been fun dealing with it. So I did, that's what made us late initially, we had to be there at 8 for a car inspection. On our way down we had to pick up the walking elders, so that added on a few minutes. Then once we got down to canton, we had to get a car wash. By this time it was like already 8:30 so we got into the car wash and so it started and then it went around the back of the truck after soaping down one side and then it just turned off. It had ran into our bike rack and stopped working. So, we had the other elders with us get out and go have some body come back and look at it. We got it running again but as it was going towards the back we would inch forward so it could slip past the Bike Rack and then we would be in reverse so it would get around the back. Problem Solved! (during the last sweep with the rinse we forgot to pull forward so it stopped there and we just took off) now, it was like 8:45 by the time we had gotten to the Chapel where the meeting was going to be.. we were slowing down to a stop to get into the parking lot and the church is on top of a hill so it's hard to see what is on the other side and we got smacked! a 17 year old girl who was on her phone rear ended us! (crazy thing about that too, the head of all fleet for the church was there that day as well) so we get out and look at the damage and she ran into our bike rack. That only got tilted forward about six inches and the truck was fine. But the girls car was smashed. she had a big ol hole in the front of her car because of our solid steel bike rack. smashed her hood in and everything.
Anyways. we ended up getting into the meeting at 9:15. an hour and 15 minutes after we were suppose to be there. sheesh. what a morning. Our workshop went really well though and we were complimented on it by President and the Assistants. The meeting ended and we went to dinner at Olive Garden at 5. we got in and ordered our food and it got there at 5:45. right when we had to leave because we had another meeting in Medina which is a 45-50 minute drive away that started at 6:30. We didn't get to eat. We got to our meeting on time, Thankfully. President Sorensen and the Stake President were the ones we were meeting with. After that we were talking to pres. and he was telling us that we were suppose to be to Zone Conference early and set up and then clean up and lock up at the end! We were just like what? We didn't know that... plus we don't even have keys to that building... not our fault, but whatever. Then we ended up getting home around 10:10 that night. it was just not our day. The only thing that went well was our workshop.
OH, and so you know, I talked to a dr. cause that's what I'm suppose to do and they want me to do PT for a month or so to see what can happen with my back. Hopefully they will be able to work on my shoulders as well because they are in a pain in the butt. If not, or either way. I'm probably going to have to get them worked on when I get home.
Where are Kenz and Jeremy going to live?
I'm glad to hear that Joel did well. I hope for the best. I'm sure he will do well.
So are all these classes just Generals? I don't know what all of them Entail... but I will take a crack at what sounds fun and interesting. hmm.. Either Interpersonal Communications or Intro to Sociology. American Civ. and then (in this order because I'm not sure) Logical Thinking, Intro to mass communication, or Public Speaking. Whatever works well.
Do I need to take a Fitness for life class? How about I skip out on that.. I didn't even take that class in H.S. or can I choose from those three (fitness for life, Ethics and Values, Intermediate Writing)? If so, I will take either except fitness for life. That is a loser class and a waste of time. I can work out on my own time. I don't need to be forced to.
I think I would rather have all of my classes together. I am a pretty disciplined person and I don't like studying where there are a lot of people. If I have a desk at home I can study at I'm sure I will be fine. I don't want to be at the school forever either. But, Whatever works out is fine. I just don't think I would like to be at the school all day every day. Besides, I would probably waste that time in-between classes anyways. best just to put it all together.
I Can't remember if I wrote Grandpa back.. I think I did. I hope so. That's fine if he sends it in the E-mail. I don't think I got it though.
Do Ammon and Sarah have a little t hing going on? I know that they had a little of a thing going on when I was at home... :)
This week will be good I'm sure. Next week we should hopefully be having two more baptisms and then the end of the transfer again. I will probably be staying here though. I have to teach some Common sense and some consideration for other people you live with to these other guys we live with... Some people's children just never learn how to be sole dependent on themselves.. oh well. That's why they have ME! haha
Where are Kenz and Jeremy going to live?
I'm glad to hear that Joel did well. I hope for the best. I'm sure he will do well.
So are all these classes just Generals? I don't know what all of them Entail... but I will take a crack at what sounds fun and interesting. hmm.. Either Interpersonal Communications or Intro to Sociology. American Civ. and then (in this order because I'm not sure) Logical Thinking, Intro to mass communication, or Public Speaking. Whatever works well.
Do I need to take a Fitness for life class? How about I skip out on that.. I didn't even take that class in H.S. or can I choose from those three (fitness for life, Ethics and Values, Intermediate Writing)? If so, I will take either except fitness for life. That is a loser class and a waste of time. I can work out on my own time. I don't need to be forced to.
I think I would rather have all of my classes together. I am a pretty disciplined person and I don't like studying where there are a lot of people. If I have a desk at home I can study at I'm sure I will be fine. I don't want to be at the school forever either. But, Whatever works out is fine. I just don't think I would like to be at the school all day every day. Besides, I would probably waste that time in-between classes anyways. best just to put it all together.
I Can't remember if I wrote Grandpa back.. I think I did. I hope so. That's fine if he sends it in the E-mail. I don't think I got it though.
Do Ammon and Sarah have a little t hing going on? I know that they had a little of a thing going on when I was at home... :)
This week will be good I'm sure. Next week we should hopefully be having two more baptisms and then the end of the transfer again. I will probably be staying here though. I have to teach some Common sense and some consideration for other people you live with to these other guys we live with... Some people's children just never learn how to be sole dependent on themselves.. oh well. That's why they have ME! haha
Love ya all. 6 more months. ;P
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