We have one baptism that is for sure this upcoming Saturday with Areo Clark, She is a daughter of a member who was baptized about four years ago. Things are going well other wise. We are preparing for a Zone conference that takes place on Wednesday. we have to give a half hour workshop on the Book of Mormon and Moroni 10:3-5. It should be good and pretty inspirational.
We had a trip planned to go to Kirtland on Saturday but things didn't work out so we had nothing to do... So we exchanged with the other elders that we live with and pulled something out of nothing and so it turned out to be a pretty good day with a new person to teach for the singles and then getting to see some other people who we haven't seen in a while. We need to focus on finding people now because we are going to baptize our solid investigators here soon.
There is one in particular that we are trying to help the entire family come back into activity and get the father to be worthy to baptize his son. It's been going with them although they are pretty rambunctious and out of control at times. So, it gets hard for me to teach them but we make do.
Who won the Super Bowl? I was unable to see it. of course, duh! haha. We were in the apartment taking numbers for our weekly report.
There is one in particular that we are trying to help the entire family come back into activity and get the father to be worthy to baptize his son. It's been going with them although they are pretty rambunctious and out of control at times. So, it gets hard for me to teach them but we make do.
Who won the Super Bowl? I was unable to see it. of course, duh! haha. We were in the apartment taking numbers for our weekly report.
I have yet to really get anything about the Election. we set up a booth once a week at the University of Akron in the student union and people make comments and give us weird looks. But nothing that comes across offensive at all. They mostly avoid our stare. It's probably one of the most awkward things that I have ever done in my entire mission. Is sit there with a big ol' sign and wait for people to come talk to us. haha but whatever. we get a few people here and there. We currently have one investigator that we found from it. so it's not too bad. I will be at the end of my mission and home when it really heats up so I wont have to worry about it too much I think. but hey, who knows.
I'm glad you enjoy your job. I told you that it would be good for you. It keeps you busy. You know what they say... a poor use of time is a close cousin of Idleness... :P we don't want to be Idle right? Speaking of learning how to speak correctly, One of our investigators Areo, who is getting baptized on Saturday is teaching us Ebonics, I'm gonna be OG before you know it.
My math placement is going to be very low... haha I can't imagine it being very high.. It has been a very long time since I have had to do math... would three classes be a full schedule? I want to be full time If I can. I guess I will start with the generals. I should only have one semester of English to take because of my credit that I got in my 1010 class in HS. Are psych and history involved? I didn't know that... We will have to see if I can get an internship or some kind of job shadow and a Dentist or Ortho. (if paid that would be ideal, but good luck right? ;) that way I can see if that is the path that I really want to take for my career or not. I don't want to waste any time. I need to get on it asap.
We need to tell Jayme and Jennifer to start looking for me, I only have six months left and need to get some dates lined up so I'm not awkward as crap when I get home. I need to be normal in no time! haha.
Love ya.
PS... I need some shirts that Fit me... They are all too big now. I need some longsleeve that are 16 then 34-35 (whatever the arm is is fine, I need a smaller neck and then smaller shoulder span too. so whatever that is needs to be smaller) and if you can get them in an athletic fit, or a skinny person fit so they are so huge, that would be awesome! and then the same size if I can get a cuff link shirt too, ( a nice one for meetings ) I have cuff links and want to use them haha. maybe a french cuff too. that would be awesome... but if you can do that for me I will love you for eternity :D

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